New Haven Public Service District Contract 19 Waterline Extension,

This project which consists of the following construction: Cane Branch, Ramsey/Hawver, South Miller Ridge/Arrowwood/Dotson Ridge/Dodson Ridge including Additive Alternate No. 1 Whispering Pines and Lower Dotson Ridge as Deductive Alternate No. 1. Cane Branch will consist of approximately 12,215 L.F. of six-inch waterline, 820 L.F. of two-inch waterline, 96 L.F. of six-inch DIP Ball and Socket waterline, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 17 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, one pressure reducing station, and all appurtenances. Ramsey/Hawver will consist of approximately 14,610 L.F. of eight-inch waterline, 390 L.F. of eight-inch Ball & Socket D.I.P., 94 L.F. of eight-inch Highway Crossing, 220 L.F. of two-inch waterline, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 23 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, and all appurtenances. South Miller Ridge / Arrowwood / Dotson Ridge, including Lower Dotson Ridge will consist of approximately 14,160 L.F. of eight-inch waterline, 1,117 L. F. of eight-inch Ball & Socket DIP, 850 L.F. of six-inch waterline, 760 L.F. of six-inch Ball & Socket DIP, 560 L.F. of two-inch waterline, 422 L.F. of eightinch US Route 19 Controlled Access Highway Crossing, 154 L.F. eight-inch Highway Crossing, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 25 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, and all appurtenances. Additive Alternate No. 1 - (Whispering Pines) will consist of approximately 5,608 L.F. of six-inch waterline, 73 L.F. of six-inch Ball & Socket DIP, 205 L.F. of two-inch waterline, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 6 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, and all appurtenances. Deductive Alternate No. 1 - (Lower Dotson Ridge) will consist of 8,360 L.F. two-inch waterline, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 2 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, and all appurtenances.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 10/3/24 11:00am
Bid Date 10/22/24 11:00am


Thompson & Litton


100 N. Court Street Fayetteville, WV 25840

Note: Downloading & Extracting Files Instructions below the project description.

A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on October 3, 2024 at 11:00 am. 

The New Haven Public Service District requests separate sealed Bids for the New Haven Public Service

District Contract 19 Waterline Extension, which consists of the following construction:

Cane Branch, Ramsey/Hawver, South Miller Ridge/Arrowwood/Dotson Ridge/Dodson Ridge including

Additive Alternate No. 1 Whispering Pines and Lower Dotson Ridge as Deductive Alternate No. 1.

Cane Branch will consist of approximately 12,215 L.F. of six‐inch waterline, 820 L.F. of two‐inch

waterline, 96 L.F. of six‐inch DIP Ball and Socket waterline, valves, hydrants, air release valves, 17

tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines, one pressure

reducing station, and all appurtenances.

Ramsey/Hawver will consist of approximately 14,610 L.F. of eight‐inch waterline, 390 L.F. of eight‐inch

Ball & Socket D.I.P., 94 L.F. of eight‐inch Highway Crossing, 220 L.F. of two‐inch waterline, valves,

hydrants, air release valves, 23 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters,

service lines, and all appurtenances.

South Miller Ridge / Arrowwood / Dotson Ridge, including Lower Dotson Ridge will consist of

approximately 14,160 L.F. of eight‐inch waterline, 1,117 L. F. of eight‐inch Ball & Socket DIP, 850 L.F. of

six‐inch waterline, 760 L.F. of six‐inch Ball & Socket DIP, 560 L.F. of two‐inch waterline, 422 L.F. of

eight‐inch US Route 19 Controlled Access Highway Crossing, 154 L.F. eight‐inch Highway Crossing,

valves, hydrants, air release valves, 25 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and

meters, service lines, and all appurtenances.

Additive Alternate No. 1 ‐ (Whispering Pines) will consist of approximately 5,608 L.F. of six‐inch

waterline, 73 L.F. of six‐inch Ball & Socket DIP, 205 L.F. of two‐inch waterline, valves, hydrants, air

release valves, 6 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters, service lines,

and all appurtenances.

Deductive Alternate No. 1 ‐ (Lower Dotson Ridge) will consist of 8,360 L.F. two‐inch waterline, valves,

hydrants, air release valves, 2 tandem meter settings with individual pressure regulators and meters,

service lines, and all appurtenances.

Bids will be received by Mr. Kenneth Hayes, Chairman, of the New Haven Public Service District Office

in the Fayette County Commission Chambers until 11:00 am, local prevailing time, on October 22,

2024, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The County Commission Chambers are

located on the first floor of the Fayette County Courthouse at 100 Court Street, Fayetteville, WV


Any contract or contracts awarded under this invitation for bids are expected to be funded in part by

grants and loans from the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund. Neither the United States, the State of West Virginia, nor any of its departments, agencies, or

employees is or will be a party to this Advertisement for Bids or any resulting contract.

Obtaining the Bidding Documents

The Contract Documents may be examined at Thompson & Litton, 1105 Mercer Street, P.O. Box 5427,

Princeton WV; and online at TRASCO (

Copies of the Contract Documents (electronic and/or hard copy) are available for purchase through


Pre‐Bid Conference

A mandatory Pre‐Bid Conference will be held on October 3, 2024 at 11:00 am. All interested parties

are requested to meet the Engineer at Fayette County Commission Chambers at 100 N. Court Street

Fayetteville, WV 25840 at that time.

In the early afternoon following the conference, a field review of the project will be held for interested


Instructions to Bidders

For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award,

refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.

Prospective Bidders should note that this contract will include the following critical requirements as

identified in the contract documents:

1. Affirmative Action Program Requirements and Goals

2. Certification of Non‐Segregated Facilities

3. Specific Labor Standard Provisions

4. WV Contract Licensing Act – All bidders are required to have a WV Contractor’s License per

Section 30‐42‐12 of the WV Code.

5. American Iron and Steel Requirement – P.L. 113‐76, Section 436


BIDDERS must comply with the “American Iron and Steel (AIS)” requirements of section 436 of

P.L.113‐76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Act).


BIDDERS on this work will be required to comply with the President's Executive Order No. 11246 and

"HUD Section 109", which prohibits discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex, or

national origin. The requirements for bidders and contractors under this order are explained in the



Bidders shall not entertain the use of businesses that are listed on the “System for Award

Management (SAM)” at in accordance with 2 CFR Part 1532 and Subpart B and C of 2

CFR Part 180.


Notice is hereby given that the New Haven Public Service District has adopted goals for minority and

female participation in the project work force. These goals are as follows:

Female Participation: 6.9 percent

Minority Participation: 4.2 percent

MBE/WBE firms are encouraged to submit Bids.

Each Bidder must fully comply with the requirements, terms, and conditions as set forth in the

contract documents to achieve Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation during the

performance of this contract. The bidder commits itself to the program for DBE participation and all

other requirements, terms, and conditions of the bid conditions by submitting a properly signed bid.

The bidder agrees to make “good faith efforts” to sub‐contract a portion of the total value of the

Contract to Disadvantaged businesses. This shall be done in compliance with the six (6) affirmative

steps as outlined in 40 CFR 31.36(3). Failure to demonstrate positive efforts to do so may lead to

rejection of bids. For the purpose of this program, the term “subcontractor” includes all construction,

modification, and service work contracted for by the bidder in the execution of the work under this



The bid opening procedure shall be a two‐envelope system. The system shall consist of two separate

and distinct envelopes each with proper identification. The first envelope shall be identified as “Bid

Opening Requirements” and the second as “Bid Proposal”. Both shall be submitted in a single, large

envelope, labeled with the Contractor’s Name, Contractor’s Address, Name of the Project, and the

Contract Number. The first envelope shall contain the items identified within Article 2 of the Bid Form

(Section 00 4143). The second envelope (“Bid Proposal”) shall consist solely of the Bid Form itself. The

second envelope will not be opened if all the required attachments identified in Article 2 of the Bid

Form (Section 00 4143) are not included and completed, the Bidder will be declared nonresponsive.

The lowest responsive bidder shall be the bidder who has completed all the requirements for the first

envelope and has the lowest total on the bid form.


BIDDERS must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Davis‐Bacon Wage Rates, the

Copeland Anti‐Kickback Act, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, and the West Virginia

Division of Labor Wage Rates.


West Virginia Code 21‐1D‐5 provides that any solicitation for a public improvement construction

contract requires each vendor that submits a bid for the work to submit at the same time an affidavit of compliance with the bid. The Drug Free Workplace affidavit enclosed in the contract documents

must be signed and submitted in the first envelope as evidence of the Vendor’s compliance with the

provisions of Article 1D, Chapter 21 of the West Virginia Code. Failure to submit the signed Drug Free

Workplace Affidavit in the first envelope shall result in disqualification of such bid.


A five percent (5%) Bid Bond or certified cashier’s check must accompany all bids. Each bidder must

submit with his bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided for in the

Information for Bidders.


The Contract(s) shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder(s).

The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids if it appears in its best interest to do so.

All BIDDERS must hold a current West Virginia Contractor's License on the date of bid opening.

No BIDDER may withdraw their bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the time of the opening of the


The New Haven Public Service District may waive any informalities or minor defects or reject any and

all bids.

For the purpose of clarification, it is understood that the work to be done on Contract No. 19 are

being financed in whole or in part by means of a grant and/or loan from the Bureau of Public Health –

Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund. Funds contributed by West Virginia American Water

Company, and a grant through the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council.

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