Radford University Allen Building HVAC Renovation, Project Code 217-B2217-017
Accepting Bids
Prebid Date | 12/18/24 10:00am |
Bid Date | 2/18/25 2:00am |
501 Stockton Street, Radford, VA 24142
Note: Downloading & Extracting Files Instructions below the project description.
FYI - The bid date has been extended to February 18, 2025 @ 2:00 P.M. in Addendum # 2.
Sealed bids are invited for the construction of Allen Building HVAC Renovation, Project Code 217-B2217-017, on the campus of Radford University, Radford Virginia. The project is generally described as: HVAC Renovations to include but not limited to replacement of air handlers, duct work, Piping, boilers, light fixtures and acoustical ceilings.
Sealed bids will be received at Facilities Planning & Construction Office, Armstrong Complex, 501 Stockton Street, Radford, VA 24142. The deadline for submitting bids is 2:00 P.M sharp, as determined by the Bid Officer, on February 18, 2025. The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud beginning at 2:00 P.M., on February 19, 2025, at the same location.
A Bid Bond is required.
eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. See the attached eVA Vendor Registration Requirements.
Procedures for submitting a bid, claiming an error, withdrawal of bids and other pertinent information are contained in the Instructions to Bidders, which is part of the Invitation for Bids. Withdrawal due to error in bid shall be permitted in accord with Section 9 of the Instructions to Bidders and § 2.2-4330, Code of Virginia. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
A pre-bid conference will be held at the Facilities Planning & Construction Office, Armstrong Complex, 501 Stockton Street, Radford, VA 24142 at 10:00 a.m. on December 18, 2024. Attendance shall be optional for those submitting a bid.
The contract shall be awarded on a lump sum basis as follows: the Total Base Bid Amount including any properly submitted and received bid modifications, if the Owner in its discretion decides to award in the manner set forth in Paragraph 12 of the Instructions to Bidders. ‘Notice of Award’ or ‘Notice of Intent to Award’ will be posted on eVA, Virginia Department of General Services’ central electronic procurement website, at https://eva.virginia.gov.
Contractor registration is required in accordance with Section 54.1-1103 of the Code of Virginia. See the Invitation for Bids for additional qualification requirements.
All executive branch agencies are directed to advance Executive Order 35, dated July 3, 2019.
The Invitation for Bids for the above project, including the drawings and the specifications containing the information necessary for bidding, may be obtained from the office of TRASCO (Technical Reproduction and Supply Corporation), 128 Kirk Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011, 540-345-1533.
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